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 W E L C O M E

Cup of Coffee

O P E N  7  D A Y S 

M O N D A Y  -  S A T U R D A Y

5 : 3 0 A M  - 1 : 3 0 P M


6 A M - 1 P M


[ Y ] O U R   C A F E

HPK is all about creating the feeling of a HOME onto your PLATE through our KITCHEN.



Life without coffee is a scary place. That’s why we’ve been proudly serving up fresh coffee to the Burleigh Waters area since 2017. Our coffee beans come direct to us from our roasters in Sydney - Mutch n Moore - the most delicious blend of full bodied fragrant coffee. 

But this isn’t just about brewing the perfect cup of coffee, we want to you to feel a part of our HPK community by pairing our coffee with equally enjoyable food and service.

It's our passion to bring our customers flavourful drinks and food with a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Walking distance for our beautiful local residents and only a short drive away to the rest of the Gold Coast, our customers have learned that no matter the time of day, they can always come in to get a cup of freshly-brewed deliciousness with a smile!

T A K E   H P K   H O M E

All products available in store for purchase

G I F T   V O U C H E R S

The perfect gift for your friends, family or colleagues.
No amount is too little or too big. Just visit us in store and we can arrange your custom gift voucher.

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Spreading the love, one coffee at a time!

(07) 5535 5019

Shop 4/6 Treeview Dr, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220, Australia

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